New Supreme Court Decision Upholds “Staying” Cases Subject to Arbitration

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Smith v. Spizzirri clarifies how courts should handle lawsuits in matters that are subject to mandatory arbitration.  Under Section 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), if any lawsuit involving an issue covered by a written arbitration agreement is brought in a U.S. court, the court must, upon request by one of the parties, stay the trial until the arbitration is completed. In Spizzirri, the high court held that


$200,000 Award: Successful Unpaid Sales Commissions Arbitration

An arbitrator has awarded over $200,000 to a client represented by Natalie Koss, Esq., for unpaid sales commissions. The employer sells billions of dollars of open source software service packages annually. The successful arbitration award is for a technology salesperson who disputed the manner his employer categorized sales. The employer improperly categorized new sales as renewals for certain deals. When he alerted his employer to the mistake, they did nothing to resolve the situation and