Employment Law

Potomac Legal Group’s attorneys are leaders in employment law. We have represented C-level executives, managers, sales executives, medical professionals, entertainers, and administrative employees.

We handle negotiations and disputes with your employer. Our firm handles every area of employment law. We will review your case to determine your claims, and we’ll plan a course of action.

Employment Law Representation

Employment Discrimination

Our firm serves clients who believe that their employer has terminated or disciplined them due to their race or color, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability or national origin. Actions of unlawful discrimination may also include lower pay, fewer promotions, more discipline, less training and fewer opportunities for advancement. We can help you determine if your employer has engaged in discrimination.

Women Executives & Professionals

Claims brought by women executives, doctors, professionals and salespeople comprise a large portion of our employment practice.

We have represented many female professionals in cases involving gender and sex discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, wrongful termination, sales commission disputes, sexual harassment and breach of employment contract.

Severance Agreements

We review and negotiate severance agreements for employees. Employers write severance agreements to protect themselves. We negotiate with employers so the agreement benefits you.

Severance agreements generally require you to release your employer from certain legal claims. We work to protect your rights and assist you in negotiating higher severance pay. Severance agreements should protect a former employee from potential disparagement and limit, if possible non-compete provisions.

Unpaid Commissions

Employers often breach their contracts with professional salespeople by refusing to pay commissions, or terminating a salesperson to avoid paying a large commission.

We have specialized experience in dealing with unpaid sales commissions. Whether you sell to the private sector or local and federal government, we will help you to recover your unpaid commissions. We have represented a number of sales executives in court against former employers for unpaid commissions.

Non-Compete Agreements

We advise employees and contractors on the enforceability of non-compete agreements. We’ll review agreements before you sign them, and we will help you understand the restrictive covenants, and their enforceability, after leaving your job. When litigation results from an alleged breach of a non-compete agreement, our attorneys defend employees and their current employers from lawsuits.

FINRA Arbitration

We represent securities professionals in employment, discrimination, compensation, commission and bonus disputes with brokerage firms. We counsel brokers in expunging false, misleading or defamatory information from their U-4 and U-5 records.

Securities professionals may have employment claims in addition to compensation disputes, and we will review these cases for every possible claim.


Our firm works with whistleblowers in making a fraud claim against a government contractor under the False Claims Act. The law includes a ‘qui tam’ provision, which allows individuals to receive a percentage of the recovery.

Wrongful Termination

Unlike many jurisdictions, the District of Columbia recognizes the claim of wrongful termination. If your employer has terminated because you have engaged in certain protected activity, then you may have a claim for wrongful termination. Our attorneys have an excellent track record of pursuing wrongful termination claims and can assist you in determining whether you have such a claim.

Washington, DC, Area Employment Law

We welcome cases from around the region, especially Washington, DC, Baltimore, Maryland, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Howard County, Charles County and Anne Arundel County.

Employment Law Services

  • Discrimination
  • Title VII Claims
  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Race Discrimination
  • Gender Discrimination
  • Age Discrimination
  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Unpaid Sales Commissions
  • Unpaid Wages
  • Severance Negotiations
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Executive Compensation
  • Breach of Employment Contract
  • Non-Compete Agreements
  • FINRA Arbitration
  • EEOC Mediation
  • Whistleblower
  • False Claims Act (Qui Tam)
  • Government Contractor Employees
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Federal Employment Law
  • Retaliation
  • Family Medical Leave Act
  • Wrongful Termination