POTOMAC LEGAL GROUP SECURES $300,000.00 SETTLEMENT FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEE: Attorney Natalie Koss recently represented an Iranian American Assistant Director against a federal government agency. She successfully secured a lucrative settlement with the federal employer after undergoing two years of litigating the case in federal district court.

PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION DEFEATED AT HEARING, RESTRICTIVE COVENANT UNENFORCEABLE: Natalie Koss defeated a preliminary injunction motion brought against her clients, two employees of a Virginia-based financial advisory firm, by their former employer, who alleged they breached the restrictive covenant in their employment agreements. Ms. Koss successfully argued that the covenant was not enforceable, and the court agreed. Ms. Koss saved her clients from significant damages. The former employees now operate their own independent advisory business.

$2.8 MILLION ARBITRATION AWARD FOR FMLA INTERFERENCE & RETALIATION: Natalie Koss won an arbitration award of more than $2.8 million for her client, a Federal sector sales professional. Ms. Koss won her client the multi-million-dollar award for the employer’s violation of the employee’s Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) rights. The award is among the highest amounts awarded in this type of matter.

$200,000+ ARBITRATION AWARD: Natalie Koss won more than $200,000 for her client, a Federal sector technology salesperson, in a dispute over the classification of sales deals as new sales or renewals – a common area of disagreement between salespeople and employers. Ms. Koss succeeded in arguing that the employer incorrectly categorized sales and refused to provide documentation regarding closed deals.

EEOC HEARING VICTORY, FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT: Natalie Koss secured a victory for her client after five years of litigating a discrimination and retaliation case with a Federal agency. The case involved multiple claims of sex discrimination, as well as retaliation for initiating an EEO complaint. Her client was awarded a judgment for Backpay, Pre-Judgment Interest, Instatement to an Equivalent Position and Employment Record Expungement. Complainant was also awarded compensatory damages for emotional distress and medical costs.

FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT LAWSUIT: Natalie Koss successfully represented a female employee in an equal pay lawsuit against her Federal agency employer in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Ms. Koss negotiated a favorable settlement for her client prior to the trial date.

EMPLOYMENT RETALIATION LAWSUIT: Natalie Koss represented an employee terminated in retaliation for pursuing whistleblower rights relating to a kickback scheme designed by the employer. Through aggressive representation, as well as news media coverage, Ms. Koss negotiated a significant financial settlement for her client.

UNPAID SALES COMMISSION LAWSUIT: Natalie Koss represented a high-producing media sales executive in pursuing a six figure unpaid sales commission from a former employer, who had terminated the sales person instead of paying the commission due. Ms. Koss filed a Federal lawsuit on behalf of her client. After asserting her client’s commission claims, the employer agreed to negotiate a settlement amount instead of defending the claims in court.





Representation for employees in every type of discrimination claim, including age, race, gender, pregnancy, medical, disability, sexual orientation, sexual harassment and more for private sector and Federal employees. Read More


Employment representation for those who have suffered sexual harassment in the workplace. Experienced in representation of employees pursuing litigation or negotiating settlements with Non-Disclosure Agreements. Read More


Severance and separation agreement review and counseling to determine fairness of compensation, while analyzing possible pitfalls such as NDA and non-compete provisions. Representation in negotiation for unfair agreements and when employers violate employment rights. Read More


Specialized experience in unpaid sales commissions, notably in Federal sales and technology sales. We have collected millions of dollars in unpaid sales commissions through judgments, awards and negotiations for clients, as well as awards for workplace discrimination. Read More


Review and negotiation of employment, partnership and severance agreements for doctors, dentists and other health care providers, as well as representation for providers who are seeking to exit restrictive agreements. Read More


Representation in the pursuit of judgments, or in defense against excessive claims. We have extensive experience litigating and resolving matters, and have won millions of dollars in arbitration awards for clients. Read More